Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Taos and the Easter Kittens

(As written by Taos)

I love to watch them crawl around in their basket.
We had so much excitement over the weekend! My friend, "Tits," (no one said my parents were great at naming cats), came inside to eat on Saturday night. She has had a pretty big belly these days and last time she looked like this she gave me seven new little friends to play with. (I didn't say anything to her though, I didn't want to hurt her little cat feelings.)

Anyway, she came in to eat before we all went to bed, and PLOP, there it was ... Kitten #1. Right there in the living room! Mom's eyes got SO big when she saw it. I overheard them talking about how we needed to "put her right back outside so she didn't have "them" in the house." Too late!

I was SO excited I couldn't hardly stay away from it. Mom made me go lay on my bed though, and because I am a good boy, I did. Mom put Tits and her tiny kitten in a laundry basket and put them in the bathroom. By morning she had a total of FIVE! I love them so much!

One week before she had her kittens. 

I want nothing more than to crawl inside that basket with them and snuggle. Mom really needs to buy bigger laundry baskets. I keep them company by sleeping as close as I can get to them at night and I check on them often. I love new friends!

It's important for me to protect my barn yard friends. After all, I am a Cow Dog.

Note to self: Remind Mom to invest in king size laundry basket before any more kittens are born. 

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